A modern, independent and charitable café in Norwich serving delicious food and drink.
This website was a collaboration with graphic design from Bourne Creative.
A modern, independent and charitable café in Norwich serving delicious food and drink.
This website was a collaboration with graphic design from Bourne Creative.
A 20+ page website design with CMS (content management system) using WordPress for a large charity nursery project based in Norfolk.
A collaboration with with graphic design from Bourne Creative.
A website launched in 2020. This charity is dedicated to enabling the continuation of Holocaust testimony through the children and grandchildren of survivors.
This is a large 90+page utilises WordPress to provide the following features:
Wellspring Family Centre is a hard-working charity that was started by a church and has several social action projects in the community. It also hires a hall and rooms to other community groups, organisations and for events.
Website features include:
This huge website redesign project was a collaboration between Pathlight Design and Bourne Creative.
For client content management the website uses the WordPress ‘block editor’ that was introduced with Gutenberg (WordPress version 5). Being a native feature of WordPress, it will be supported and developed long-term. With 3rd party plugin page builders there is the risk of them abandoned by developers resulting in broken content. In this instance, ror a site of this size it would be mammoth task recreating all the content.
Behind the scenes the website also utilises WooCommerce for a sophisticated booking system for a fundraising soft play which is part of the charity’s community hub and William’s Kitchen (also developed by Pathlight Design and Bourne Creative) This includes management of resources for multiple types of booking including parties. This is constantly being developed with custom coding to meet exact requirements.
Before and after: